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Unlock your unique style and unleash your creative flow...

Every artist has a story to tell and the world needs to hear it


Get your FREE guide to learn


Get the 7 powerful concepts that helped ME go from a career postman to a full-time professional artist (with workshops around the world!).

This guide will help you:

  • Explore techniques to highlight your unique style
  • Start painting with confidence 
  • Discover painting tricks that most artists never talk about


You could get direct access to an artist's creative mind and understand EXACTLY how they developed their own personal style? 

My courses are designed to inspire students on their path to artistic self-discovery.

It can feel frustrating when your paintings may appear like they have no structure, no technique. Meanwhile, other artists can make their work look effortless, as though they just spilled the colours on a canvas and it magically turned into a fully formed work of art. That's simply NOT TRUE.

Every artist has their own “secret sauce” for creating. They have a process, favourite techniques and tools. That "effortlessness" has been achieved by a process of constant learning. 

Painting can be intuitive and spontaneous, an expression of your inner voice... but that's only one piece of the puzzle. Learning skilled techniques that you can apply to your unique style is exactly what I am here to help my students with.

Not as easy as it may seem? Not to worry...

It's time to step back from painting, and focus on learning.

Has your artwork ever felt incomplete, a bit "off" or just simply not great? 

Ever thought how did they do THAT?! What brushes and colours did they use? What kind of paint? Did they use any mediums? So many questions!

Have you wondered... what's their technique? Or is it just following "intuition"? How do I even tap into my intuition? 

How do I create work that my audience connects to… or even, how do I get an audience?!


It’s my mission to help artists like you learn each of these strategies and finally achieve their dream of a professional art career.


There are three key elements to becoming a professional artist: 

Improve Your Skill Level

Develop Better Work Habits

Get Better At Business

In my online courses, I guide you through fundamental concepts you need to know to go from “hobby artist” to “full-time artist”. 

These detailed lessons are perfect for intermediate artists whose goal is to get noticed and start making a living with their art. (Or weekend painters who just want to upgrade their techniques).

The result?

You’ll have a crystal-clear plan (and rock-solid painting abilities) to turn your art into a thriving business. 

You will be empowered to achieve a healthy, sustainable, and PROFITABLE art practice.

It’s time to make your mark… 


Hi, I’m Richard

A professional artist and the founder of The Skilled Artist.

I help struggling artists find success by building full-time art careers. 

Using strategies I sharpened in the 90’s (yes… no Internet!), you can get your art noticed.

I’ve been where you are. 

I used to be a postman, delivering the mail every day. I painted little street scenes in an old cigar box while I was out on my route. Hoping for recognition. Struggling to turn my art passion into a full-time practice.  


Just like you, I know what it feels like to try going it alone. Stuck with a day job, trying to pay the bills. 

It wasn’t until I managed to build a following on Instagram that I began selling my work. Then, I appeared on TV as “The Painting Postie”. My art career started to take off… I won a major art prize, exhibited in Paris and have now been a full-time artist for over 4 years!

Developing an art practice is like cultivating a tree: Some things need to grow. Others need to be pruned. 

I can help you cultivate your tree. My story is proof that achieving your dreams is possible. 

1,500 students at The Skilled Artist already use techniques from my online courses to become more successful painters. 

I’m hoping you join them and become the artist you have always dreamed. 

I Get It...

Building a successful art career is hard. It seems like all artists do is disappear to their studio, only to reappear with a finished piece and knock it out of the park.  

Universities focus a lot on art technique.

History. Theory. They also tend to cost more than a house mortgage and consume years of your life.

My self-paced online courses get you results faster.

How To Loosen Up Your Painting is designed to improve your skills in under one hour!

The methods my students learn are a blueprint so you can STOP relying on luck. Use my proven plans to take action and ACHIEVE the professional artist life you desire.

The first step to become a professional artist is to improve your skill level

You CAN develop an eye-catching style that gets noticed!


Up-Level Your Skills with My Three Self-Paced Online Courses

Unlock a bold, free-flowing style that demands attention
A brand new approach to colour strategy... no more painting mud!
Take the guesswork out of designing beautiful paintings...

Get In Touch

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer! 

If my FAQ section didn’t answer something, or if you have questions about pricing, packages, “Is this course for me?”, or anything else — I would love to hear from you.

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